Meet Lori

Lori Ivins is a Life Re-Alignment Coach who empowers and guides women along their journey into the unknown to face their fears, realign limiting beliefs, eliminate emotions around trauma, and embrace their transformation to live a bold life free of fear.

As a certified NLP Trainer and Master Coach, Lori is passionate about helping thousands of women reach their ultimate potential to make a massive impact on future generations. Lori is also a professional speaker on Life Re-Alignment, NLP, Hypnosis, and Quantum Time Technique.

Out of Lori’s titles, her favorites are wife and mom. She’s been married for over forty years, has four sons, and lives in Georgetown, Texas. In her free time, you can find her, working with her sister on their new business venture Treasure House Earth, taking photos of nature, loving on her grandkids, traveling, and giving back through her non-profit she co-founded with five other women, The Key2Free.

Our destiny unfolds in the future, but it is shaped by the decisions that we make today.

– Lori

Our Mission

We work with our clients to breakthrough and transform to your highest potential.

We provide coaching and training for women to be FREE:

Fearless to step into your authentic self;
Realigned to your focus;
Embrace all your dreams and
Embark on your destiny.


Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (International Board of NLP)

Certified Master Coach and Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (American Board of NLP)

Certified Master Practitioner Hypnosis (The American Board of Hypnotherapy)

Certified Master Practitioner in Time Line Therapy (Time Line Therapy Association)

Bachelor of Science – Anthropology

Bachelor of Science – Communication/Public Relations

TVAT (Texas Victim Assistance Training) Certified